
High End Driving Simulator Platform

Fully scalable - we can add screen, machine and training scenario content at any time depending on the client's budget and needs.



Fully scalable - we can add screen, machine and training scenario content at any time depending on the client's budget and needs.


Product component

Intelligent driving simulation software package

Intelligent cockpit, integrated accelerator, pedal, steering wheel, experience real driving experience

Industrial computer system

HMI human-computer interaction system


Product features

FCW/LDW/AEB/LKA/APA and other ADAS intelligent driving experiment teaching/practice

17 V2X intelligent connected vehicle experimental teaching/practice

Open intelligent driving Demo experiment algorithm, guide students to modify and run

The operating environment of design practice is close to that of real car design

Intelligent vehicle design evaluation training in different virtual scenarios

  • 品牌:hr iot

  • 型号:FY-0303
